Author: JB

You Know It’s Getting Deep When..

I really enjoyed Chris Woodill’s collection of “weasel words” that IT delivery folks will use to buy time, deflect responsibility, or describe a situation as much rosier than reality. Now, I’ve never met Chris, but having read through this list, I’d almost swear we must have worked on the same projects with some of the same people!

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Meeting Agenda as Catalyst?

What are leading reasons for unproductive review sessions of project deliverables? One comes quickly to mind for me – how about when 90% of your invitees show up without having even glanced at the materials in advance. For...

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It's Good to be a Business Analyst

The Business Analyst role is a good one – if you’re interested in climbing the rungs of the organizational ladder. At least that’s the tack that Barbara over at the Business Analyst Blog has taken: In the next...

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